How much does Uber car ride cost in San Luis Potosi, Mexico ?
Enter a starting point Pick up and Destination address and click "Estimate Uber Price" .
How is the price of an Uber race calculated in San Luis Potosi ?
The price of each Uber race is calculated from the following formula: basic price + time spent in vehicle + distance traveled.
Rates vary depending on the city in San Luis Potosi and the type of vehicle.
This pricing is dynamic and the price of a race sometimes includes a multiplier. This dynamic pricing depends on local demand in different areas of the city in San Luis Potosi.
It is constantly evolving. The amount of the multiplier is therefore based on the place of taking charge of the passenger of San Luis Potosi and the time of the order.
Your Uber fare is calculated on 4 criteria in San Luis Potosi:
- Base fare
- Cost per minute
- Cost per mile
- Booking Fee (Formerly known as the ‘Safe Rides Fee’)
How much does a Uber car Typically cost in San Luis Potosi ?
Region | Service | Initial Fare | Fare per Mile | Service Cost |
Uber San Luis Potosi | UberX | 7.00 MX$ | 3.57 MX$ | 3.57 MX$ |
Uber San Luis Potosi | UberXL | 12.25 MX$ | 6.28 MX$ | 6.28 MX$ |
Uber San Luis Potosi | UberPOOL | 7.00 MX$ | 3.57 MX$ | 3.57 MX$ |
Uber San Luis Potosi | UberBLACK | 30.00 MX$ | 9.46 MX$ | 9.46 MX$ |
Uber San Luis Potosi | UberSUV | 40.00 MX$ | 15.09 MX$ | 15.09 MX$ |
* - This is an estimated fare in San Luis Potosi . Please contact us at if any Taxi prices changed in San Luis Potosi so we can verify and modify it
Important :
Estimate the cost and time of an Uber ride in San Luis Potosi, Mexico
All Estimated Uber prices of San Luis Potosi, Mexico does not constitute any price commitment on the part our website Taxi Allo .
The final price is calculated by multiplying the original price by the multiplier.
Note that the pricing displayed in the passenger application in San Luis Potosi may not match the pricing displayed in your passenger application. This difference is usually due to service charges in San Luis Potosi that do not appear in the amount of races you make.
Additional fees may apply to the passenger in San Luis Potosi and will be added to the price of your Uber race if your itinerary includes tolls for example.