Note : Uber is not available in Albania but you can estimate Uber fare using this tools or you can choose Taxi Fare Tool in Albania ( Click Here ) |
How much does Uber car ride cost in Albania ?
Enter a starting point Pick up and Destination address and click "Estimate Uber Fare" .
Price of a Uber in Albania: how much will my race cost ?
The UBER concept is simple in Albania: you order from your smartphone a kind of taxi, and it is the nearest free car that will be sent to you.
The idea is to reduce wait times by focusing on proximity with the customer who places orders in Albania.
In addition to this innovation, Uber is also relying on a "First Class" service to distinguish itself from traditional taxis in Albania
Here are the basic prices of an Uber ride:
The cost of your trip is broken down as follows:
How is the price calculated?
The flat rate offered during your reservation request on uber in Albania remains calculated according to the time and the distance, integrating the dynamic pricing in force at the time of your reservation.
It takes into account historical data from races and similar traffic conditions in Albania.
Your Uber fare is calculated on 4 criteria in Albania:
- Base fare
- Cost per minute
- Cost per mile
- Booking Fee (Formerly known as the ‘Safe Rides Fee’)
How much does a Uber car Typically cost in Albania ?
Note : Uber is not available in Albania but you can estimate Uber fare using this tools or you can choose Taxi Fare Tool in Albania ( Click Here ) | ||||
Country | Service | Initial Fare | Fare per Mile | Service Cost |
Uber Albania | UberX | 2.55 $ | 1.75 $ | 1.58 $ |
Uber Albania | UberXL | 3.85 $ | 2.85 $ | 1.70 $ |
Uber Albania | UberSELECT | 5.00 $ | 2.50 $ | 1.70 $ |
Uber Albania | UberPOOL | 1.35 $ | 1.57 $ | 0.90 $ |
Uber Albania | UberBLACK | 7.00 $ | 3.70 $ | 1.90 $ |
Uber Albania | UberSUV | 14.00 $ | 4.50 $ | 1.80 $ |
Uber Albania | UberLUX | 20 $ | 4.50 $ | 0.50 $ |
* - This is an estimated fare for Uber service in Albania.
We're not affiliated with Uber ®. But our Uber estimator gives you real-time car fare estimates
Please contact us at if any Uber prices changed in Albania so we can verify and modify it.
Important :
Difficult to estimate the price of a Uber race: as for taxis, the price is only known at the end of the race.
To help you choose, Taxi-Allo offers you this tool that allows to estimate the price of Uber in Albania before departure. Good choice, and good road!
The price is calculated according to the Uber scale in Albania, according to the distance and the estimated time for the journey in normal traffic conditions.
The Uber multiplier in Albania chosen from the drop-down menu is applied to the base price, just as Uber does when the demand is high in Albania.
![Uber car fare in Albania Uber car fare in Albania](images/money/uber-money.jpg)